Raise Documentation 0.5 Dev

A small build automation tool that ships with your software.

Copyright © 2017 Raise Authors

Last updated on May 12th 2017


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1. License
    2. Authors and Copyright
    3. Contact and Bugs
    4. Documentation
    5. Philosophy
    6. Goals
  2. Installation
    1. BSD
    2. Cygwin
    3. Haiku
    4. Linux
    5. Android, iOS, Chrome OS
    6. OS X
    7. Solaris
    8. Windows
    9. From Trunk
  3. Command Line
    1. Update
    2. Version
    3. Plain
    4. No Line Number
    5. Inspect
  4. Supported Languages
    1. C/C++
    2. D
    3. C#
    4. Java
  5. Fundamentals
    1. Emoticons
    2. File Extensions
  6. Basics
    1. Functions that must succeed
    2. Functions that may fail
    3. Commands and printing the result
    4. Commands and getting the result
  7. Users
    1. Running as Root
    2. Running as a Normal User
    3. Privilege Escalation
    4. User Name
    5. User ID
  8. File System
    1. Change Dir
    2. Move File
    3. Copy File
    4. Copy New File
    5. Copy Dir
    6. Make Dir
    7. Remove Dir
    8. Remove File
    9. Remove Binaries
    10. Symlink
  9. Terminal
    1. Terminal OK
    2. Terminal Warning
    3. Terminal Fail
  10. Finding Programs, Libraries, and Headers Files
    1. Finding By Version
    2. Finding Programs
    3. Requiring Programs
    4. Finding Libraries
    5. Requiring Libraries
    6. Finding Headers Files
    7. Requiring Headers Files
    8. Requiring Environmental Variables
    9. Requiring Python Modules
  11. C
    1. File Extensions
    2. Compilers
    3. Compiler Setup
    4. Building Object
    5. Building Program
    6. Building Library
    7. Program Installation and Uninstallation
    8. Library Installation and Uninstallation
    9. Header Installation and Uninstallation
    10. Running and Printing
  12. C++
    1. File Extensions
    2. Compilers
    3. Compiler Setup
    4. Building Object
    5. Building Program
    6. Building Library
    7. Program Installation and Uninstallation
    8. Library Installation and Uninstallation
    9. Header Installation and Uninstallation
    10. Running and Printing
  13. D
    1. File Extensions
    2. Compilers
    3. Compiler Setup
    4. Building Object
    5. Building Program
    6. Building Library
    7. Building Interface
    8. Program Installation and Uninstallation
    9. Library Installation and Uninstallation
    10. Interface Installation and Uninstallation
    11. Running and Printing
  14. C#
    1. Compilers
    2. Compiler Setup
    3. Building Program
    4. Building Library
    5. Program Installation and Uninstallation
    6. Library Installation and Uninstallation
    7. Running and Printing
  15. Java
    1. Compilers
    2. Compiler Setup
    3. Building Program
    4. Building Library
    5. Program Installation and Uninstallation
    6. Library Installation and Uninstallation
    7. Running and Printing
  16. Concurrency
  17. CPU
  18. Tools
    1. Update Raise in Sub Directories

1. Introduction

1.1. License

Raise is licensed as freely as possible, in the hopes that it will be compatible with most other software licenses.

The Raise software is licensed under The MIT License .

The Raise documentation is license under The Creative Commons Attribution License v3.0 .

1.2. Authors and Copyright

Copyright © 2012 - 2017 Matthew Brennan Jones <matthew.brennan.jones@gmail.com>

Other authors please add your copyright and contact info here.

1.3. Contact and Bugs

If you find any errors, bugs, or misinformation, please report a bug at https://github.com/workhorsy/raise or contact one of the authors.

1.4. Documentation

Documentation is provided in the docs/index.html file. It is generated from the Python Mako Template file docs/templates/index.html.mako.

Warning! Because Raise uses scripts to generate the documentation, you won't be able to generate the documentation unless you have all the compilers and tools installed. Doing this also requires root, because it runs all the code examples to get the actual output from those code examples.

To generate the index.html file you can run:

python generate_documentation.py

Any changes should be added to the index.html.mako file, as it will wipe out any changes in index.html when generate_documentation.py is run.

1.5. Philosophy

The philosophy of Raise is that it says what it is doing. Not how it is doing it. It only shows the details when something goes wrong. That way the build output does not fill with information you don't need. It shows the output for each step of the build process, as its own line.

1.6. Goals

  1. Should be fast for incremental and clean builds, even with 10,000s of files.
  2. Should be able to automatically find libraries and programs.
  3. Should work with Python instead of creating its own language or using a graph.
  4. Should run without needing to be installed.
  5. Should be small enough to include in your VCS and ship with your software.
  6. Should not require any external dependencies, libraries, or tools.
  7. Should do everything explicitly instead of implicitly.
  8. Should work consistently across platforms.
  9. Should easily do things sequentially or concurrently.
  10. Should present output in a uniform and intuitive way.

2. Installation

Raise should not be installed into your Operating System. It is designed to run from inside your project's directory.

Raise consists of a small shim script called "raise" and a directory of modules called ".lib_raise". The "raise" shim is safe to save into your VCS along with your source code. It is small (10kB) and should not change very often. All the ".lib_raise" modules are automatically downloaded by the "raise" shim. You should not check the ".lib_raise" directory into your VCS.

If you want to check the raise modules into your VCS (So your project will build without needing an Internet connection). You should rename the ".lib_raise" directory to "lib_raise". This is also a good idea to do before you release your source code as a compressed file.

The file hierarchy of Raise looks like this:

# Your script that builds your software

# The shim that gets everything ready

# The modules that are automatically downloaded
There are eight basic OS types:

2.1. BSD

Fully supported.

Has been tested on FreeBSD, and PCBSD, but not on OpenBSD, NetBSD, or DragonflyBSD.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/workhorsy/raise/master/raise
chmod +x raise
  1. On PCBSD font background colors are too light.
  2. On BSD gcc may be named with a number and hard to find.


2.2. Cygwin

Fully Supported.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/workhorsy/raise/master/raise
chmod +x raise


2.3. Haiku

Partially supported.

Can build basic exes, shared/static libraries, but not install anything, or search for programs/libraries. Not yet tested on BeOS.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/workhorsy/raise/master/raise
chmod +x raise


2.4. Linux

Fully supported.

Primarily developed on Linux with kernel 2.6 and greater. Tested primarily on Ubuntu, Debian, Linux Mint, Fedora, and Centos. It should "just work" on other Linux distros.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/workhorsy/raise/master/raise
chmod +x raise

2.5. Android, iOS, Chrome OS

Not supported.

None of the mobile OSes are supported. They either do not support the required compilers, or are locked down too tightly to use. Hopefully this will change in the future.

2.6. OS X

Partially Supported

Can build basic exes, shared/static libraries, and find programs/libraries.

  1. Running gcc when not installed on OS X pops up a gui.
  2. On OS X Add Fink and Homebrew support.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/workhorsy/raise/master/raise
chmod +x raise


2.7. Solaris

Fully supported.

Tested on Open Indiana, Open Solaris, and Open SXCE. Not yet tested on Oracle Solaris.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/workhorsy/raise/master/raise
chmod +x raise

Open Indiana

2.8. Windows

Partially supported.

Tested on Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows 8. There are still issues with building and finding C/C++ libraries on Windows. It is recommended that Windows users use Cygwin.

Download from https://github.com/workhorsy/raise

python raise
  1. Static and shared libraries are broken on Windows

Has not been tested on Windows Vista or Windows RT.

2.9. From Trunk Installation

Source code can be checked out using the Git VCS.

git clone
cd raise/examples/c_simple
./raise test

3. Command Line

3.1. Update

./raise update - Downloads the Raise libraries into a directory named ".lib_raise" or "lib_raise".

3.2. Version

./raise version - Print the version of Raise

3.3. Plain

./raise -plain - Don't clear, don't use color, and fix the width to 79

3.4. No Line Number

./raise -nolineno - Don't print line numbers on error exit

3.5. Inspect

./raise -inspect target_name - Print the source code to the target

4. Supported Languages

4.1. C/C++

C and C++ are fully supported with GCC, and Clang. MS cl.exe support is not yet complete.

4.2. D

D is fully supported with DMD, and LDC. GDC support is disabled, because the packages in debian/ubuntu are broken.

4.3. C#

C# works with Mono and MS .NET. Some advanced features such as installing into the GAC have not been implemented.

4.4. Java

Java works with OpenJDK 7.

5. Fundamentals

Raise uses a specific format to show messages to the user. It prints what it is going to do. Then when it is done, it prints an emoticon for success, warning, or failure. By using this format, it should be easy for anyone to quickly tell if everything is okay or not.

For example this prints out "Building C++ program 'main.exe' ..." when it starts. Then prints a ":)" when it is successful.

Building C++ program 'main.exe' ...   :)

5.1. Emoticons

:) - A green smile represents success. This is used when a command has a return code of zero, and has nothing printed to stderr.

:\ - A yellow half smile represents success with a warning. This is used when a command has a return code of zero, but has something printed to stderr.

:( - A red frown represents failure. This is used when a command has a return code that is not zero.

5.2. File Extensions

One of the huge issue in dealing with different platforms, is how they handle file extensions. Many have different extensions for the same type of file. For example Windows typically uses .exe for executable, and .obj for object. While Linux typically uses no extension for executable, and .o for object.

Raise gets around this by having its own list of file extensions and mapping them to the native type for that Operating System.

For example when building a C program you would say:

C.build_program('main.exe', ['main.c'])

On Windows it will create "main.exe", but on Linux it will create "main".

To see the mappings, look at the section for each language.

6. Basics

# Most of this section requires the modules:
import lib_raise_process as Process

6.1. Functions that must succeed

The fundamental way that Raise works, is that it wraps function calls. It says that it is going to call a function, calls the function, then prints an emoticon for success or failure.

For example: Below the Process.do_on_fail_exit function will print "Running simple_function", call the function, then print a smiley on success. The function output will be printed below the smiley.

	def simple_function():

		"Running simple_function", "It failed", simple_function)

Running that code will produce this result:

    Running simple_function ...                                                 :)

If the function Process.do_on_fail_exit is called on a function that raises an error. The function will print "Running simple_function", call the function while catching the exception, print the frown, then print the failure message "It failed". The function output will be printed below the failure message.

	def simple_function():
		raise Exception('broken')

		"Running simple_function", "It failed", simple_function)

Running that code will produce this result:

    Running simple_function ........................................................:(
    It failed Exiting ...

6.2. Functions that may fail

If you do not want the script to exit when the function is_broken throws an exception, you can use the Process.do_on_fail_pass function. It will ignore any exceptions raised by the functions.

	def is_broken():
		raise Exception('broken')

	def is_not_broken():

	Process.do_on_fail_pass("Running is_not_broken", is_not_broken)

	Process.do_on_fail_pass("Running is_broken", is_broken)

Running that code will produce this result:

    Running is_not_broken ...                                                   :)
    Running is_broken ...                                                       :)

6.3. Commands and printing the result

If you want to run a command and have its result printed, you can use the Process.run_print convenience function. The command itself will be printed, then the result of the command.


Produces the result:

    Running command ...                                                         :)
    17:15:09 up  3:43,  4 users,  load average: 0.12, 0.13, 0.14

6.4. Commands and getting the result

If you want to run a command and get its standard output, you can use the Process.run_and_get_stdout convenience function.

	result = Process.run_and_get_stdout("uptime")

Produces the result:

    17:15:09 up  3:43,  4 users,  load average: 0.12, 0.13, 0.14

. Users

# Most of this section requires the modules:
import lib_raise_users as Users

7.1. Running as Root

If you want to ensure that a script is run as root. You can use the Users.require_root function. If the script is not run as root, it will print an error and exit.


def users_running_as_root():
 	# Print the user id
 	print('Effective user id: {0}'.format(os.getuid()))
 	# Will print an error and exit if the user is NOT root

Example output when run as root:

Effective user id: 0

Example output when NOT run as root:

Effective user id: 1000
Must be run as root. Exiting ...

7.2. Running as a Normal User

If you want to ensure that a script is run as a normal user, you can use the Users.require_not_root function. If the script is run as root, it will print an error and exit.


def users_running_as_a_normal_user():
 	# Print the user id
 	print('Effective user id: {0}'.format(os.getuid()))
 	# Will print an error and exit if the user is root

Example output when run as root:

Effective user id: 0
Must not be run as root. Exiting ...

Example output when NOT run as root:

Effective user id: 1000

7.3. Privilege Escalation

Often you will need do some actions as root, and others as a normal user, all in the same script. A common example is to compile a program as a normal user, then install it as root. You can do this by running the script as root, then using the function Users.do_as_normal_user to temporarily step down as a normal user.


def users_privilege_escalation():
 	# User id by default
 	print('Effective user id: {0}'.format(os.geteuid()))
 	# User id when running as a normal user
 	def cb():
 		print('Effective user id: {0}'.format(os.geteuid()))
 	# User id by default
 	print('Effective user id: {0}'.format(os.geteuid()))

Example output:

Effective user id: 0
Effective user id: 1000
Effective user id: 0

7.4. User Name

When running a script with a privilege escalation tool such as sudo, you often need to get the actual user name. Most python functions such as getpass.getuser will return 'root', because it is actually being run as root. To get the actual user name, you can use the Users.get_normal_user_name function.


def users_user_name():
 	import getpass
 	print('Current user name: {0}'.format(getpass.getuser()))
 	print('Normal user name: {0}'.format(Users.get_normal_user_name()))

Example output when NOT run as root:

Current user name: matt
Normal user name: matt

Example output when run as root:

Current user name: root
Normal user name: matt

7.5. User ID

When running a script with a privilege escalation tool such as sudo, you often need to get the actual user id. Most python functions such as os.getuid and os.geteuid will return 0, because it is actually being run as root.


def users_user_id():
 	print('Current user id: {0}'.format(os.getuid()))
 	print('Normal user id: {0}'.format(Users.get_normal_user_id()))

Example output when NOT run as root:

Current user id: 1000
Normal user id: 1000

Example output when run as root:

Current user id: 0
Normal user id: 1000

8. File System

# Most of this section requires the modules:
import lib_raise_fs as FS

8.1. Change Dir

Uses the standard Python os.chdir function to change to the name directory.


def fs_change_dir():

Example output:

Changing to dir 'example' ...                                               :)

8.2. Move File

move_file(source, dest)
Uses the standard Python shutil.move function to move the file source to dest.


def fs_move_file():
 	FS.move_file('one', 'two')

Example output:

Moving the file 'one' to 'two' ...                                          :)

8.3. Copy File

copy_file(source, dest)
Uses the standard Python shutil.copy2 function to copy the file source to dest.


def fs_copy_file():
 	FS.copy_file('one', 'two')

Example output:

Copying the file 'one' to 'two' ...                                         :)

8.4. Copy New File

copy_new_file(source, dest)
Copies the file only if dest does not exist, or source is different from dest.


def fs_copy_new_file():
 	FS.copy_new_file('one', 'two')

Example output:

Copying the file 'one' to 'two' ...                                         :)

8.5. Copy Dir

copy_dir(source, dest, symlinks = False)
Uses the standard Python shutil.copytree function to recursively copy the directory from source to dest. If symlinks is True, symlinks remail links. If symlinks is False the links are replaced with copies of the actual data.


def fs_copy_dir():
 	FS.copy_dir('example', 'new_example', symlinks = False)

Example output:

Copying the dir 'example' to 'new_example' ...                              :)

8.6. Make Dir

make_dir(source, ignore_failure = False)
Uses the standard Python os.mkdir function to make the directory source. If ignore_failure is False, any errors will be ignored.


def fs_make_dir():
 	FS.make_dir('example', ignore_failure = True)

Example output:

Making the dir 'example' ...                                                :)

8.7. Remove Dir

remove_dir(name, and_children = False)
Uses the standard Python shutil.rmtree function to remove the directory name. If name is the current directory, it will display an error. If and_children is True it will remove any child directories.


def fs_remove_dir():
 	FS.remove_dir('example', and_children = True)

Example output:

Removing the dir 'example' ...                                              :)

8.8. Remove File

remove_file(name, ignore_failure = False)
Uses the standard Python os.rmdir function to remove the file name. If ignore_failure is True it will ignore any errors.


def fs_remove_file():
 	FS.remove_file('does_not_exist', ignore_failure = True)

Example output:

Removing the file 'does_not_exist' ...                                      :)

8.9. Remove Binaries

Will remove any files that start with name, and have the extensions .exe, .o, .obj, .so, .a, .dll, .lib, .pyc, .exe.mdb, .dll.mdb, .jar, .class.


def fs_remove_binaries():

Example output:

Removing binaries 'main' ...                                                :)

8.10. Symlink

symlink(source, link_name)
Uses the standard Python os.symlink function to create a symlink from source to link_name.


def fs_symlink():
 	FS.symlink('example', 'example_link')

Example output:

Symlinking 'example' to 'example_link' ...                                  :)

9. Terminal

# Most of this section requires the modules:
import lib_raise_terminal as Terminal

9.1. Terminal OK

If you want to print your own OK message, you can use the Terminal.status and Terminal.ok functions.


def terminal_ok():
 	Terminal.status("Looks like things will be okay")

Example output:

Looks like things will be okay ...                                          :)

9.2. Terminal Warning

If you want to print your own warning message, you can use the Terminal.status and Terminal.warning functions.


def terminal_warning():
 	Terminal.status("Looks like this may give a warning")
 	Terminal.warning("Yep. Here is the warning")

Example output:

Looks like this may give a warning .........................................:\
Yep. Here is the warning

9.3. Terminal Fail

If you want to print your own fail message, you can use the Terminal.status and Terminal.fail functions.


def terminal_fail():
 	Terminal.status("This may fail")
 	Terminal.fail("Yep. Here is the fail message")

Example output:

This may fail ..............................................................:(
Yep. Here is the fail message

10. Finding Programs, Libraries, and Headers Files

# Most of this section requires the modules:
import lib_raise_find as Find
import lib_raise_python as Python

Raise has built in functionality for finding programs, libraries, and header files. It tries to use the OSes native way of searching for files. If that is not available, or does not find anything, it will fall-back to searching the file system. Raise can also include the version number when searching for libraries and header files.

Raise searches the OS packaging sources in this order:
  1. Dpkg: Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint
  2. RPM: Red Hat, Fedora, openSUSE, Mandriva
  3. Pacman: Arch, Manjaro
  4. Slack: Slackware, Salix, Zenwalk, Porteus, Vector Linux, Absolute Linux
  5. Portage: Gentoo, Sabayon, Funtoo
  6. pkg_info: FreeBSD
  7. MacPorts: OS X
  8. Pkg-config: Linux, BSD, Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris
  9. File System: The PATH as well as common places for your OS.

10.1. Finding By Version

Version numbers use the standard format major.minor.micro. They are stored in a named tuple. You can access the complete version as a tuple. And you can access the major, minor, or micro section as a property.

ver # (1, 2, 0)
ver.major # 1
ver.minor # 2
ver.micro # 0

When creating your version requirements, you have to use a string:

# Version 1.2.0
'ver == (1, 2, 0)'

# Version 1.2.0 the long way
'ver.major==1 and ver.minor==2 and ver.micro==0'

# Version 1.9 or greater
'ver >= (1, 9)'

# Version 1
'ver.major == 1'

# Version 1.X with an odd minor number like 1.3 not 1.2
'ver >= (1.0) and ver.minor % 2'

10.2. Finding Programs

You can find a program, by searching for it with the Find.program_paths function. You can also use regular expressions in the name. There is currently no standard way to specify what version of the program you want to find.


def find_finding_programs():
 	paths = Find.program_paths('gcc')
 	paths = Find.program_paths('g++', r'g++-[0-9|\.]*')

Example output:

['/usr/bin/g++', '/usr/bin/g++-5']

10.3. Requiring Programs

You can make sure a program is installed, by using the Find.require_programs function. If the program is not installed, it will print an error and exit. There is currently no way to specify what version of the program you want to require.


def find_requiring_programs():

Example output:

Checking for program 'gcc' ...                                              :)

10.4. Finding Libraries

You can find a library, by searching for it with the Find.get_static_library and Find.get_shared_library functions. Optionally you can use the version lambda to specify what version you want.


def find_finding_libraries():
 	# SDL Library any version
 	# SDL Library at least version 1.2
 	print(Find.get_shared_library('libSDL', 'ver >= (1, 2)'))
 	# SDL Library of version 1.X
 	print(Find.get_shared_library('libSDL', 'ver.major == 1'))

Example output:


10.5. Requiring Libraries

You can make sure a library is installed, by using the Find.require_static_library and Find.require_shared_library functions. If the library is not installed, it will print an error and exit. Optionally you can use the version lambda to specify what version you want.


def find_requiring_libraries():
 	# SDL Library any version
 	# SDL Library at least version 1.2
 	Find.require_shared_library('libSDL', 'ver >= (1, 2)')
 	# SDL Library of version 1.X
 	Find.require_shared_library('libSDL', 'ver.major == 1')

Example output:

Checking for static library 'libSDL' ...                                    :)
Checking for shared library 'libSDL' ...                                    :)
Checking for shared library 'libSDL' ...                                    :)
Checking for shared library 'libSDL' ...                                    :)

10.6. Finding Headers Files

You can find a header file, by searching for it with the Find.get_header_file function. Optionally you can use the version lambda to specify what version you want.


def find_finding_headers():
 	# SDL Library any version
 	# SDL Library at least version 1.2
 	print(Find.get_header_file('libSDL', 'ver >= (1, 2)'))
 	# SDL Library of version 1.X
 	print(Find.get_header_file('libSDL', 'ver.major == 1'))

Example output:


10.7. Requiring Headers Files

You can make sure a header file is installed, by using the Find.require_header_file function. If the header is not installed, it will print an error and exit. Optionally you can use the version lambda to specify what version you want.


def find_requiring_headers():
 	# SDL Library any version
 	# SDL Library at least version 1.2
 	Find.require_header_file('libSDL', 'ver >= (1, 2)')
 	# SDL Library of version 1.X
 	Find.require_header_file('libSDL', 'ver.major == 1')

Example output:

Checking for header file 'libSDL' ...                                       :)
Checking for header file 'libSDL' ...                                       :)
Checking for header file 'libSDL' ...                                       :)

10.8. Requiring Environmental Variables

You can search for environmental variables by using the Find.require_environmental_variable function.


def find_requiring_environmental_variable():
 	# Require that PATH exists

Example output:

Checking for environmental variable 'PATH' ...                              :)

10.9. Requiring Python Modules

You can make sure Python modules are installed by using the Python.require_python_modules function.


def find_requiring_python_modules():
 	# Require that os, sys, and platform are installed
 	Python.require_python_modules(['os', 'sys', 'platform'])

Example output:

Checking for python module 'os' ...                                         :)
Checking for python module 'sys' ...                                        :)
Checking for python module 'platform' ...                                   :)

11. C

# Most of this section requires the modules:
import lib_raise_c as C
import lib_raise_ar as AR

11.1. C File Extensions

Many C compilers/OSes use different extensions for different types of files. To get around this limitation, you can use the file extension for the Raise rows below, and it will automatically be mapped to the OS type below.

Raise Cygwin Windows OS X Linux/Unix
Executable .exe .exe .exe
Object .o .o .obj .o .o
Shared Library .so .so .dll .dylib .so
Static Library .a .a .lib .a .a

11.2. C Compilers

Raise supports the GCC, Clang, and MS cl.exe C compilers. The compiler is abstracted away in a generalized way, as to make it so you don't have to worry about compiler specific functionality.

You can select the best C compiler for your platform by using the C.get_default_compiler function.

You can also select the compiler specifically by using the C.c_compilers dictionary. Be careful as only compilers that were found by Raise will be in the dictionary.


def c_compilers():
 	cc = C.get_default_compiler()
 	# Print the compiler name and path for fun
 	print("name: {0}".format(cc._name))
 	print("path: {0} ".format(cc._path))
 	cc = C.c_compilers['clang']
 	# Print the compiler name and path for fun
 	print("name: {0}".format(cc._name))
 	print("path: {0} ".format(cc._path))

Example output:

name: gcc
path: /usr/bin/gcc 
name: clang
path: /usr/bin/clang

11.3. C Compiler Setup

After the compiler is selected, it can be configured using the properties.


def c_compiler_setup():
 	# Get a C compiler
 	cc = C.get_default_compiler()
 	# Compiler setup
 	cc.debug = True
 	cc.standard = C.Standard.std2011
 	cc.position_independent_code = True
 	cc.optimize_level = 2
 	cc.warnings_all = True
 	cc.warnings_extra = True
 	cc.warnings_as_errors = True
 	cc.compile_time_flags = ['SDL=true']
 	# Print environmental variables to see what happens under the hood
 	print("$CC: {0}".format(cc.cc))
 	print("$CFLAGS: {0}".format(cc.cflags))

Example output:

$CC: gcc
$CFLAGS: -g -std=c11 -fPIC -Wall -Wextra -Werror -O2 -DSDL=true

11.4. C Building Object

C object files can be built using the C.build_object function.


def c_building_object():
 	# Get and setup the C compiler
 	cc = C.get_default_compiler()
 	cc.debug = True
 	# Build the object
 	cc.build_object('main.o', ['main.c'])

Example output:

Building C object 'main.o' ...                                              :)

11.5. C Building Program

C programs can be built using the C.build_program function.


def c_building_program():
 	# Get and setup the C compiler
 	cc = C.get_default_compiler()
 	cc.debug = True
 	# Build the program
 	cc.build_program('main.exe', ['main.c'])

Example output:

Building C program 'main.exe' ...                                           :)

11.6. C Building Library

C shared library can be built using the C.build_shared_library function. C static libraries can be built using the AR.build_static_library function.


def c_building_library():
 	# Get and setup the C compiler
 	cc = C.get_default_compiler()
 	cc.debug = True
 	# Build the library into an object
 	cc.build_object('libexample.o', ['libexample.c'])
 	# Build the library as a shared and static library
 	cc.build_shared_library('libexample.so', ['libexample.o'])
 	AR.build_static_library('libexample.a', ['libexample.o'])

Example output:

Building C object 'libexample.o' ...                                        :)
Building C shared library 'libexample.so' ...                               :)
Building static library 'libexample.a' ...                                  :)

11.7. C Program Installation and Uninstallation

C programs can be installed with the C.install_program function, and uninstalled with the C.uninstall_program function.


def c_program_installation_and_uninstallation():
 	# Get and setup the C compiler
 	cc = C.get_default_compiler()
 	cc.debug = True
 	# Build the program
 	cc.build_program('main.exe', ['main.c'])
 	# Install the program
 	# Run the C program from the system
 	# Uninstall the program

Example output:

Building C program 'main.exe' ...                                           :)
Installing the program 'main.exe' ...                                       :)
Removing binaries 'main' ...                                                :)
Running C program ...                                                       :)
Hello World!
Uninstalling the program 'main.exe' ...                                     :)

11.8. C Library Installation and Uninstallation

C libraries can be installed with the C.install_library function, and uninstalled with the C.uninstall_library function.


def c_library_installation_and_uninstallation():
 	# Get and setup the C compiler
 	cc = C.get_default_compiler()
 	cc.debug = True
 	# Build the library
 	cc.build_object('libexample.o', ['libexample.c'])
 	cc.build_shared_library('libexample.so', ['libexample.o'])
 	# Install the library
 	# Uninstall the library

Example output:

Building C object 'libexample.o' ...                                        :)
Building C shared library 'libexample.so' ...                               :)
Installing the library 'libexample.so' ...                                  :)
Uninstalling the library 'libexample.so' ...                                :)

11.9. C Header Installation and Uninstallation

C headers can be installed with the C.install_header function, and uninstalled with the C.uninstall_header function.


def c_header_installation_and_uninstallation():
 	# Get and setup the C compiler
 	cc = C.get_default_compiler()
 	cc.debug = True
 	# Install the header
 	# Uninstall the header

Example output:

Installing the header 'libexample.h' ...                                    :)
Uninstalling the header 'libexample.h' ...                                  :)

11.10. C Running and Printing

C programs can be ran with the C.run_print function.


def c_running_and_printing():
 	# Get and setup the C compiler
 	cc = C.get_default_compiler()
 	cc.debug = True
 	# Build the program
 	cc.build_program('main.exe', ['main.c'])
 	# Run the C program

Example output:

Building C program 'main.exe' ...                                           :)
Running C program ...                                                       :)
Hello World!

12. C++

# Most of this section requires the modules:
import lib_raise_cxx as CXX
import lib_raise_ar as AR

12.1. C++ File Extensions

Many C++ compilers/OSes use different extensions for different types of files. To get around this limitation, you can use the file extension for the Raise rows below, and it will automatically be mapped to the OS type below.

Raise Cygwin Windows OS X Linux/Unix
Executable .exe .exe .exe
Object .o .o .obj .o .o
Shared Library .so .so .dll .so .dylib
Static Library .a .a .lib .a .a

12.2. C++ Compilers

Raise supports the GCC, Clang, and MS cl.exe C++ compilers. The compiler is abstracted away in a generalized way, as to make it so you don't have to worry about compiler specific functionality.

You can select the best C++ compiler for your platform by using the CXX.get_default_compiler function.

You can also select the compiler specifically by using the CXX.cxx_compilers dictionary. Be careful as only compilers that were found by Raise will be in the dictionary.


def cxx_compilers():
 	cxx = CXX.get_default_compiler()
 	# Print the compiler name and path for fun
 	print("name: {0}".format(cxx._name))
 	print("path: {0} ".format(cxx._path))
 	cxx = CXX.cxx_compilers['clang++']
 	# Print the compiler name and path for fun
 	print("name: {0}".format(cxx._name))
 	print("path: {0} ".format(cxx._path))

Example output:

name: g++
path: /usr/bin/g++ 
name: clang++
path: /usr/bin/clang++

12.3. C++ Compiler Setup

After the compiler is selected, it can be configured using the properties.


def cxx_compiler_setup():
 	# Get a C++ compiler
 	cxx = CXX.get_default_compiler()
 	# Compiler setup
 	cxx.debug = True
 	cxx.standard = CXX.Standard.std2011
 	cxx.position_independent_code = True
 	cxx.optimize_level = 2
 	cxx.warnings_all = True
 	cxx.warnings_extra = True
 	cxx.warnings_as_errors = True
 	cxx.compile_time_flags = ['SDL=true']
 	# Print environmental variables to see what happens under the hood
 	print("$CXX: {0}".format(cxx.cxx))
 	print("$CXXFLAGS: {0}".format(cxx.cxxflags))

Example output:

$CXX: g++
$CXXFLAGS: -g -std=c++11 -fPIC -Wall -Wextra -Werror -O2 -DSDL=true

12.4. C++ Building Object

C++ object files can be built using the CXX.build_object function.


def cxx_building_object():
 	# Get and setup the C++ compiler
 	cxx = CXX.get_default_compiler()
 	cxx.debug = True
 	# Build the object
 	cxx.build_object('main.o', ['main.cc'])

Example output:

Building C++ object 'main.o' ...                                            :)

12.5. C++ Building Program

C++ programs can be built using the CXX.build_program function.


def cxx_building_program():
 	# Get and setup the C++ compiler
 	cxx = CXX.get_default_compiler()
 	cxx.debug = True
 	# Build the program
 	cxx.build_program('main.exe', ['main.cc'])

Example output:

Building C++ program 'main.exe' ...                                         :)

12.6. C++ Building Library

C++ shared library can be built using the CXX.build_shared_library function. C++ static libraries can be built using the AR.build_static_library function.


def cxx_building_library():
 	# Get and setup the C++ compiler
 	cxx = CXX.get_default_compiler()
 	cxx.debug = True
 	# Build the library into an object
 	cxx.build_object('libadd.o', ['libadd.cc'])
 	# Build the library as a shared and static library
 	cxx.build_shared_library('libadd.so', ['libadd.o'])
 	AR.build_static_library('libadd.a', ['libadd.o'])

Example output:

Building C++ object 'libadd.o' ...                                          :)
Building C++ shared library 'libadd.so' ...                                 :)
Building static library 'libadd.a' ...                                      :)

12.7.C++ Program Installation and Uninstallation

C++ programs can be installed with the CXX.install_program function, and uninstalled with the CXX.uninstall_program function.


def cxx_program_installation_and_uninstallation():
 	# Get and setup the C++ compiler
 	cxx = CXX.get_default_compiler()
 	cxx.debug = True
 	# Build the program
 	cxx.build_program('main.exe', ['main.cc'])
 	# Install the program
 	# Run the C++ program from the system
 	# Uninstall the program

Example output:

Building C++ program 'main.exe' ...                                         :)
Installing the program 'main.exe' ...                                       :)
Removing binaries 'main' ...                                                :)
Running C++ program ...                                                     :)
Hello World!
Uninstalling the program 'main.exe' ...                                     :)

12.8. C++ Library Installation and Uninstallation

C++ libraries can be installed with the CXX.install_library function, and uninstalled with the CXX.uninstall_library function.


def cxx_library_installation_and_uninstallation():
 	# Get and setup the C++ compiler
 	cxx = CXX.get_default_compiler()
 	cxx.debug = True
 	# Build the library
 	cxx.build_object('libadd.o', ['libadd.cc'])
 	cxx.build_shared_library('libadd.so', ['libadd.o'])
 	# Install the library
 	# Uninstall the library

Example output:

Building C++ object 'libadd.o' ...                                          :)
Building C++ shared library 'libadd.so' ...                                 :)
Installing the library 'libadd.so' ...                                      :)
Uninstalling the library 'libadd.so' ...                                    :)

12.9. C++ Header Installation and Uninstallation

C++ headers can be installed with the CXX.install_header function, and uninstalled with the CXX.uninstall_header function.


def cxx_header_installation_and_uninstallation():
 	# Get and setup the C++ compiler
 	cxx = CXX.get_default_compiler()
 	cxx.debug = True
 	# Install the header
 	# Uninstall the header

Example output:

Installing the header 'libadd.h' ...                                        :)
Uninstalling the header 'libadd.h' ...                                      :)

12.10. C++ Running and Printing

C++ programs can be ran with the CXX.run_print function.


def cxx_running_and_printing():
 	# Get and setup the C++ compiler
 	cxx = CXX.get_default_compiler()
 	cxx.debug = True
 	# Build the program
 	cxx.build_program('main.exe', ['main.cc'])
 	# Run the C++ program

Example output:

Building C++ program 'main.exe' ...                                         :)
Running C++ program ...                                                     :)
Hello World!

13. D

# Most of this section requires the modules:
import lib_raise_d as D

13.1. D File Extensions

Many D compilers/OSes use different extensions for different types of files. To get around this limitation, you can use the file extension for the Raise rows below, and it will automatically be mapped to the OS type below.

Raise Cygwin Windows Standard
Executable .exe .exe .exe
Object .o .obj .obj .o
Shared Library .so .dll .dll .so
Static Library .a .lib .lib .a

13.2. D Compilers

Raise supports the DMD, and LDC, D compilers (not GDC). The compiler is abstracted away in a generalized way, as to make it so you don't have to worry about compiler specific functionality.

You can select the best D compiler for your platform by using the D.get_default_compiler function.

You can also select the compiler specifically by using the D.d_compilers dictionary. Be careful as only compilers that were found by Raise will be in the dictionary.


def d_compilers():
 	dc = D.get_default_compiler()
 	# Print the compiler name and path for fun
 	print("name: {0}".format(dc._name))
 	print("path: {0} ".format(dc._path))
 	dc = D.d_compilers['ldc']
 	# Print the compiler name and path for fun
 	print("name: {0}".format(dc._name))
 	print("path: {0} ".format(dc._path))

Example output:

name: dmd
path: /usr/bin/dmd 
name: ldc
path: /usr/bin/ldc2

13.3. D Compiler Setup

After the compiler is selected, it can be configured using the properties.


def d_compiler_setup():
 	# Get a D compiler
 	dc = D.get_default_compiler()
 	# Compiler setup
 	dc.debug = True
 	dc.optimize = True
 	dc.warnings_all = True
 	dc.unittest = True
 	dc.compile_time_flags = ['SDL=true']
 	# Print environmental variables to see what happens under the hood
 	print("$DC: {0}".format(dc.dc))
 	print("$DFLAGS: {0}".format(dc.dflags))

Example output:

$DC: dmd
$DFLAGS: -g -w -O -unittest -version=SDL=true

13.4. D Building Object

D object files can be built using the D.build_object function.


def d_building_object():
 	# Get and setup the D compiler
 	dc = D.get_default_compiler()
 	dc.debug = True
 	# Build the object
 	dc.build_object('main.o', ['main.d'])

Example output:

Building D object 'main.o' ...                                              :)

13.5. D Building Program

D programs can be built using the D.build_program function.


def d_building_program():
 	# Get and setup the D compiler
 	dc = D.get_default_compiler()
 	dc.debug = True
 	# Build the program
 	dc.build_program('main.exe', ['main.d'])

Example output:

Building D program 'main.exe' ...                                           :)

3.6. D Building Library

D static library can be built using the D.build_static_library function. The main DMD compiler and spec does not yet support building shared libraries.


def d_building_library():
 	# Get and setup the D compiler
 	dc = D.get_default_compiler()
 	dc.debug = True
 	# Build the library
 	dc.build_object('libsubtract.o', ['libsubtract.d'])
 	dc.build_static_library('libsubtract.a', ['libsubtract.o'])

Example output:

Building D object 'libsubtract.o' ...                                       :)
Building D static library 'libsubtract.a' ...                               :)

13.7. D Building Interface

D interface can be built using the D.build_interface function.


def d_building_interface():
 	# Get and setup the D compiler
 	dc = D.get_default_compiler()
 	dc.debug = True
 	# Build the interface

Example output:

Building D interface 'libsubtract.di' ...                                   :)

13.8. D Program Installation and Uninstallation

D programs can be installed with the D.install_program function, and uninstalled with the D.uninstall_program function.


def d_program_installation_and_uninstallation():
 	# Get and setup the D compiler
 	dc = D.get_default_compiler()
 	dc.debug = True
 	# Build the program
 	dc.build_program('main.exe', ['main.d'])
 	# Install the program
 	# Run the D program from the system
 	# Uninstall the program

Example output:

Building D program 'main.exe' ...                                           :)
Installing the program 'main.exe' ...                                       :)
Removing binaries 'main' ...                                                :)
Running D program ...                                                       :)
Hello World!
Uninstalling the program 'main.exe' ...                                     :)

13.9. D Library Installation and Uninstallation

D libraries can be installed with the D.install_library function, and uninstalled with the D.uninstall_library function.


def d_library_installation_and_uninstallation():
 	# Get and setup the D compiler
 	dc = D.get_default_compiler()
 	dc.debug = True
 	# Build the library
 	dc.build_object('libsubtract.o', ['libsubtract.d'])
 	dc.build_static_library('libsubtract.a', ['libsubtract.o'])
 	# Install the library
 	# Uninstall the library

Example output:

Building D object 'libsubtract.o' ...                                       :)
Building D static library 'libsubtract.a' ...                               :)
Installing the library 'libsubtract.a' ...                                  :)
Uninstalling the library 'libsubtract.a' ...                                :)

13.10. D Interface Installation and Uninstallation

D interfaces can be installed with the D.install_interface function, and uninstalled with the D.uninstall_interface function.


def d_interface_installation_and_uninstallation():
 	# Get and setup the D compiler
 	dc = D.get_default_compiler()
 	dc.debug = True
 	# Build the interface
 	# Install the interface
 	# Uninstall the interface

Example output:

Building D interface 'libsubtract.di' ...                                   :)
Installing the interface 'libsubtract.di' ...                               :)
Uninstalling the interface 'libsubtract.di' ...                             :)

13.11. D Running and Printing

D programs can be ran with the D.run_print function.


def d_running_and_printing():
 	# Get and setup the D compiler
 	dc = D.get_default_compiler()
 	dc.debug = True
 	# Build the program
 	dc.build_program('main.exe', ['main.d'])
 	# Run the D program

Example output:

Building D program 'main.exe' ...                                           :)
Running D program ...                                                       :)
Hello World!

14. C#

# Most of this section requires the modules:
import lib_raise_csharp as CS

14.1. C# Compilers

Raise supports the Mono, and MS.NET C# compilers. The compiler is abstracted away in a generalized way, as to make it so you don't have to worry about compiler specific functionality.

You can select the best C# compiler for your platform by using the CS.get_default_compiler function.

You can also select the compiler specifically by using the CS.cs_compilers dictionary. Be careful as only compilers that were found by Raise will be in the dictionary.


def csharp_compilers():
 	csc = CS.get_default_compiler()
 	# Print the compiler name and path for fun
 	print("name: {0}".format(csc._name))
 	print("path: {0} ".format(csc._path))
 	csc = CS.cs_compilers['dmcs']
 	# Print the compiler name and path for fun
 	print("name: {0}".format(csc._name))
 	print("path: {0} ".format(csc._path))

Example output:

name: dmcs
path: /usr/bin/dmcs 
name: dmcs
path: /usr/bin/dmcs

14.2. C# Compiler Setup

After the compiler is selected, it can be configured using the properties.


def csharp_compiler_setup():
 	# Get a C# compiler
 	csc = CS.get_default_compiler()
 	# Compiler setup
 	csc.debug = True
 	csc.optimize = True
 	csc.warnings_all = True
 	csc.warnings_as_errors = True
 	# Print environmental variables to see what happens under the hood
 	print("$CSC: {0}".format(csc.csc))
 	print("$CSFLAGS: {0}".format(csc.csflags))

Example output:

$CSC: dmcs
$CSFLAGS: -debug -warn:4 -warnaserror -optimize

14.3. C# Building Program

C# programs can be built using the CS.build_program function.


def csharp_building_program():
 	# Get and setup the C# compiler
 	csc = CS.get_default_compiler()
 	csc.debug = True
 	# Build the program
 	csc.build_program('main.exe', ['main.cs'])

Example output:

Building C# program 'main.exe' .............................................:\
warning CS8001: SDK path could not be resolved

14.4. C# Building Library

C# static library can be built using the CS.build_shared_library function.


def csharp_building_library():
 	# Get and setup the C# compiler
 	csc = CS.get_default_compiler()
 	csc.debug = True
 	# Build the library
 	csc.build_shared_library('math_helper.dll', ['math_helper.cs'])

Example output:

Building C# shared library 'math_helper.dll' ...............................:\
warning CS8001: SDK path could not be resolved

14.5. C# Program Installation and Uninstallation

C# programs can be installed with the CS.install_program function, and uninstalled with the CS.uninstall_program function.


def csharp_program_installation_and_uninstallation():
 	# Get and setup the C# compiler
 	csc = CS.get_default_compiler()
 	csc.debug = True
 	# Build the program
 	csc.build_program('main.exe', ['main.cs'])
 	# Install the program
 	CS.install_program('main.exe', 'csharp_example')
 	# Run the C# program from the system
 	#FIXME: CS.run_print does not work on Linux, because when installed it runs 
 	# the app from a shell script that does "mono blah.exe".
 	# Uninstall the program
 	CS.uninstall_program('main.exe', 'csharp_example')

Example output:

Building C# program 'main.exe' .............................................:\
warning CS8001: SDK path could not be resolved
Installing the program 'main.exe' ...                                       :)
Removing binaries 'main' ...                                                :)
Running command ...                                                         :)
Hello World!
Uninstalling the program 'main.exe' ...                                     :)

14.6. C# Library Installation and Uninstallation

C# libraries can be installed with the CS.install_library function, and uninstalled with the CS.uninstall_library function.


def csharp_library_installation_and_uninstallation():
 	# Get and setup the C# compiler
 	csc = CS.get_default_compiler()
 	csc.debug = True
 	# Build the library
 	csc.build_shared_library('math_helper.dll', ['math_helper.cs'])
 	# Install the library
 	CS.install_library('math_helper.dll', 'libmath_helper')
 	# Uninstall the library
 	CS.uninstall_library('math_helper.dll', 'libmath_helper')

Example output:

Building C# shared library 'math_helper.dll' ...............................:\
warning CS8001: SDK path could not be resolved
Installing the library 'math_helper.dll' ...                                :)
Uninstalling the library 'math_helper.dll' ...                              :)

14.7. C# Running and Printing

C# programs can be ran with the CS.run_print function.


def csharp_running_and_printing():
 	# Get and setup the C# compiler
 	csc = CS.get_default_compiler()
 	csc.debug = True
 	# Build the program
 	csc.build_program('main.exe', ['main.cs'])
 	# Run the C# program

Example output:

Building C# program 'main.exe' .............................................:\
warning CS8001: SDK path could not be resolved
Running C# program ...                                                      :)
Hello World!

15. Java

# Most of this section requires the modules:
import lib_raise_java as Java

15.1. Java Compilers

Raise supports the OpenJDK 7 Java compiler. The compiler is abstracted away in a generalized way, as to make it so you don't have to worry about compiler specific functionality.

You can select the best Java compiler for your platform by using the Java.get_default_compiler function.

You can also select the compiler specifically by using the Java.cs_compilers dictionary. Be careful as only compilers that were found by Raise will be in the dictionary.


def java_compilers():
 	javac = Java.get_default_compiler()
 	# Print the compiler name and path for fun
 	print("name: {0}".format(javac._name))
 	print("path: {0} ".format(javac._path))
 	javac = Java.java_compilers['javac']
 	# Print the compiler name and path for fun
 	print("name: {0}".format(javac._name))
 	print("path: {0} ".format(javac._path))

Example output:

name: javac
path: /usr/bin/javac 
name: javac
path: /usr/bin/javac

15.2. Java Compiler Setup

After the compiler is selected, it can be configured using the properties.


def java_compiler_setup():
 	# Get a Java compiler
 	javac = Java.get_default_compiler()
 	# Compiler setup
 	javac.debug = True
 	javac.warnings = True
 	javac.verbose = False
 	javac.deprecation = True
 	# Print environmental variables to see what happens under the hood
 	print("$JAVAC: {0}".format(javac.javac))
 	print("$JAR: {0}".format(javac.jar))
 	print("$JAVA: {0}".format(javac.java))
 	print("$JAVAFLAGS: {0}".format(javac.javaflags))

Example output:

$JAVAC: javac
$JAR: jar
$JAVA: java
$JAVAFLAGS: -g -deprecation

15.3. Java Building Program

Java programs can be built using the Java.build_program function.


def java_building_program():
 	# Get and setup the Java compiler
 	javac = Java.get_default_compiler()
 	javac.debug = True
 	# Build the program
 	javac.build_program('main.class', ['main.java'])

Example output:

Building Java program 'main.class' ...                                      :)

15.4. Java Building Library

Java static library can be built using the Java.build_shared_library function.


def java_building_library():
 	# Get and setup the java compiler
 	javac = Java.get_default_compiler()
 	javac.debug = True
 	# Build the library
 	javac.build_jar('math_helper.jar', ['lib_math.java'])

Example output:

Building Java jar 'math_helper.jar' ...                                     :)

15.5. Java Program Installation and Uninstallation

Java programs can be installed with the Java.install_program function, and uninstalled with the Java.uninstall_program function.


def java_program_installation_and_uninstallation():
 	# Get and setup the Java compiler
 	javac = Java.get_default_compiler()
 	javac.debug = True
 	# Build the program
 	javac.build_program('main.class', ['main.java'])
 	# Install the program
 	Java.install_program('main.class', 'java_example')
 	# Run the Java program from the system
 	#FIXME: Java.run_print does not work on Linux, because when installed it runs 
 	# the app from a shell script that does "java blah".
 	# Uninstall the program
 	Java.uninstall_program('main.class', 'java_example')

Example output:

Building Java program 'main.class' ...                                      :)
Installing the program 'main.class' ...                                     :)
Removing binaries 'main' ...                                                :)
Running command ...                                                         :)
Hello World!
Uninstalling the program 'main.class' ...                                   :)

15.6. Java Library Installation and Uninstallation

Java libraries can be installed with the Java.install_library function, and uninstalled with the Java.uninstall_library function.


def java_library_installation_and_uninstallation():
 	# Get and setup the Java compiler
 	javac = Java.get_default_compiler()
 	javac.debug = True
 	# Build the jar
 	javac.build_jar('lib_math.jar', ['lib_math.java'])
 	# Install the jar
 	Java.install_jar('lib_math.jar', 'lib_math')
 	# Uninstall the jar
 	Java.uninstall_jar('lib_math.jar', 'lib_math')

Example output:

Building Java jar 'lib_math.jar' ...                                        :)
Installing the jar 'lib_math.jar' ...                                       :)
Uninstalling the jar 'lib_math.jar' ...                                     :)

15.7. Java Running and Printing

Java programs can be ran with the Java.run_print function.


def java_running_and_printing():
 	# Get and setup the Java compiler
 	javac = Java.get_default_compiler()
 	javac.debug = True
 	# Build the program
 	javac.build_program('main.class', ['main.java'])
 	# Run the Java program

Example output:

Building Java program 'main.class' ...                                      :)
Running Java program ...                                                    :)
java main
Hello World!

16. Concurrency

# Most of this section requires the modules:
import lib_raise_process as Process

Raise normally runs events in serial. If you want to run events concurrently and leverage multiple CPU cores, you can use Process.concurrent_start and Process.concurrent_end. Make sure to only group the same type of events, between start and end. Otherwise it may give you unexpected results.


def concurrency():
 	# Get and setup the C compiler
 	cc = C.get_default_compiler()
 	cc.debug = True
 	# Tell Raise to start queueing the events after this function
 	cc.build_object('main.o', ['main.c'])
 	cc.build_object('libexample.o', ['libexample.c'])
 	# Tell Raise to start running all the queued events concurrently

Example output:

Building C objects concurrently ...
   'main.o' ...                                                             :)
   'libexample.o' ...                                                       :)

17. CPU

# Most of this section requires the modules:
import lib_raise_cpu as CPU
Information about the CPU can be gotten from properties:


def cpu():
 	print("Architechture: {0}".format(CPU.arch))
 	print("Bits: {0}".format(CPU.bits))
 	print("MHz: {0}".format(CPU.mhz))
 	print("Name: {0}".format(CPU.name))
 	print("Vendor Name: {0}".format(CPU.vendor_name))
 	print("Flags: {0}".format(str.join(', ', CPU.flags)))
 	print("Cores: {0}".format(CPU.cpus_total))

Example output:

Architechture: X86_64
Bits: 64
MHz: 2.8000 GHz
Name: Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G640 @ 2.80GHz
Vendor Name: GenuineIntel
Flags: acpi, aperfmperf, apic, arat, arch_perfmon, bts, clflush, cmov, constant_tsc, cx16, cx8, de, ds_cpl, dtes64, dtherm, dts, eagerfpu, epb, ept, est, flexpriority, fpu, fxsr, ht, lahf_lm, lm, mca, mce, mmx, monitor, msr, mtrr, nonstop_tsc, nopl, nx, pae, pat, pbe, pcid, pclmulqdq, pdcm, pebs, pge, pln, pni, popcnt, pse, pse36, pts, rdtscp, rep_good, sep, ss, sse, sse2, sse4_1, sse4_2, ssse3, syscall, tm, tm2, tpr_shadow, tsc, tsc_deadline_timer, vme, vmx, vnmi, vpid, xsave, xsaveopt, xtopology, xtpr
Cores: 2

18. Tools

If you choose to do development on Raise itself, there are some tools that can make it easier. These are located in the "tools" directory. These scripts are smart enough to automatically figure out the correct directories to work on. So you do not need to run them from the "tools" directory. Any directory will do.

18.1. Update Raise in Sub Directories

If you make changes to the root "raise" file, you will want those same changes to be copied to all the other directories that have their own "raise" file (tests, docs, and examples). Instead of having to do this manually, you can use the "tools/update_raise_in_sub_directories.py" script. It will automatically look through all the sub directories and replace any files named "raise" with the root "raise" file.

python tools/update_raise_in_sub_directories.py