
  • Declaration

    struct LRUEvictionQueue(KEY, VALUE);

    A LRU Eviction Queue for the D programming language




    Boost Software License - Version 1.0


    1. import lru_eviction_queue; import std.stdio : stdout; // Create a queue that will hold 3 items auto cache = LRUEvictionQueue!(string, int)(3); // Fire this event when an item is evicted cache.setOnEvictCb(delegate(string key, ref int value) { stdout.writefln("Evicted item: %s", key); }); // Fire this event when an item is updated cache.setOnUpdateCb(delegate(string key, ref int value) { stdout.writefln("Updated item: %s", key); }); // Add cache["aaa"] = 65; cache["bbb"] = 97; cache["ccc"] = 15; cache["ddd"] = 46; // Check that the key "aaa" was removed if (! cache.hasKey("aaa")) { stdout.writefln("Item \"aaa\" was evicted!"); } // Check that the key "ccc" was found if ("ccc" in cache) { stdout.writefln("Item \"ccc\" was found!"); } // Prints all the items in the cache foreach (key, ref value ; cache) { stdout.writefln("%s : %s", key, value); }

    • Declaration

      this(size_t max_length);

      Creates a LRUEvictionQueue


      size_t max_length

      The max size of the queue. After this many items are added, the oldest items will be removed.


      If max_length is less than 1, it will throw an Exception.


      1. auto cache = LRUEvictionQueue!(string, string)(100);

    • Declaration

      bool hasKey(KEY key);

      Returns true if a key is still on the queue


      KEY key

      The name of the key to check.


      1. auto cache = LRUEvictionQueue!(string, string)(100); bool retval = cache.hasKey("name");

    • set


      void set(KEY key, VALUE value);

      Sets the value in the queue. Will fire the on_evict_cb event if it is a new item that pushes an item off the queue. Will fire the on_update_cb event if updating an already existing key.


      KEY key

      The key to set.

      VALUE value

      The value to set.


      1. auto cache = LRUEvictionQueue!(string, string)(100); cache.set("name", "Bob");

    • get


      VALUE get(KEY key, VALUE default_value);

      Gets the value in the queue


      KEY key

      The key to get.

      VALUE default_value

      The value returned if the key is not found.


      1. auto cache = LRUEvictionQueue!(string, string)(100); string name = cache.get("name", string.init);

    • Declaration

      void remove(KEY key);

      Removes the key from the queue. Does nothing if the key is not in the queue. Will not fire any events.


      KEY key

      The key to remove.


      1. auto cache = LRUEvictionQueue!(string, string)(100); cache["name"] = "Alice"; cache.remove("name");

    • Declaration

      void clear();

      Removes all the items from the queue. Will not fire any events.


      1. auto cache = LRUEvictionQueue!(string, string)(100); cache["name"] = "Tim"; cache.clear();

    • Declaration

      size_t length();

      Returns the length of the queue.


      1. auto cache = LRUEvictionQueue!(string, string)(100); cache["name"] = "Alice"; size_t len = cache.length;

    • Declaration

      size_t max_length();

      Returns the max length of the queue before items are removed.


      1. auto cache = LRUEvictionQueue!(string, string)(100); size_t max_len = cache.max_length;

    • Declaration

      KEY[] keys();

      Returns all the keys in the queue.


      1. auto cache = LRUEvictionQueue!(string, int)(100); cache["bbb"] = 5; cache["zzz"] = 7; string[] keys = cache.keys();

    • Declaration

      int opApply(scope int delegate(ref KEY key, ref VALUE value) dg);

      Used to iterate over the queue.


      1. auto cache = LRUEvictionQueue!(string, int)(100); cache["bbb"] = 5; cache["zzz"] = 7; foreach (key, ref value ; cache) { }

    • Declaration

      VALUE opIndex(KEY key);

      Gets the value in the queue. Throws if the key is not found.


      KEY key

      The key to get.


      If the key is not found, it will throw an Exception.


      1. auto cache = LRUEvictionQueue!(string, string)(100); cache["name"] = "Frank"; string name = cache["name"];

    • Declaration

      VALUE opIndexAssign(VALUE value, KEY key);

      Sets the value in the queue. Will fire the on_evict_cb event if it is a new item that pushes an item off the queue. Will fire the on_update_cb event if updating an already existing key.


      KEY key

      The key to set.

      VALUE value

      The value to set.


      1. auto cache = LRUEvictionQueue!(string, string)(100); cache["name"] = "Lisa";

    • Declaration

      VALUE* opBinary(string op)(KEY rhs);

      Returns a pointer to the value in the queue, or null.


      KEY rhs

      The name of the key to check.


      1. auto cache = LRUEvictionQueue!(string, string)(100); cache["name"] = "Lisa"; string* result = "name" in cache;

    • Declaration

      void setOnEvictCb(void delegate(KEY key, ref VALUE value) cb);

      The event to fire when an existing key is evicted


      void delegate(KEY key, ref VALUE value) cb

      The callback to fire.


      1. auto cache = LRUEvictionQueue!(string, string)(2); cache.setOnEvictCb(delegate(string key, ref string value) { }); cache["aaa"] = "Lisa"; cache["bbb"] = "Sally"; cache["ccc"] = "Kevin";

    • Declaration

      void setOnUpdateCb(void delegate(KEY key, ref VALUE value) cb);

      The event to fire when an existing key is updated


      void delegate(KEY key, ref VALUE value) cb

      The callback to fire.


      1. auto cache = LRUEvictionQueue!(string, string)(100); cache.setOnUpdateCb(delegate(string key, ref string value) { }); cache["name"] = "Lisa"; cache["name"] = "Sally";